Upon my thoughts as a teacher, reflecting on what I have done the first half of the year, and what I can do to be innovative and engaging, I begin to plan for the second half of the year... on the first day off of my winter break. WHY CAN'T I JUST ENJOY MY TIME OFF? I am ambitious, I am reflective, I crave professional growth, and I honestly like planning! I have begun to read "The Innovator's Mindset" by @ gcouros and I realized that I have dwindled my sense of wonder and creativity in my own teaching, that I am not the type of teacher that is encouraging my own student's creativity, and curiosity. There are a few students that enjoy my class, and there are a few that don't, and some that just go through the motions. I had ideas of changing the way my course is run by creating a student-centered, peer-teaching, sharing classroom. I thought it would be a great idea to show my class grabber videos on the different sub-topics we cover in...
Sharing all about my teaching and traveling. Now available for tutoring!