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2017 Travel Goals

2017 Travel Goals
What are your 2017 Travel Goals?
5 Tips and Tricks to Get Your Travel On
So I have been blessed to be able to have traveled to 26 different cities in 2016! My Goal in 2015 was to average a trip a month, and I did just that, so 2016 had to be bigger and better, but it was totally on accident. Below you will find the map of the 26 different places I went in 2016 and the order that I went them to. Read on for my tips and tricks for traveling and my 2017 travel goals. Subscribe and follow my Wednesday travel blogs for more. I hope you take this year's ride with me. 


1. Consider taking a cruise. Cruises are your mode of transportation and your boarding while your traveling and they usually include meals. It's a great way to see lots of places without tons of expenses. Find deals, low seasons, etc. 11 cities on my list were from cruising. 

2. Stay with Friends. Have friends that live in other places? Consider asking to visit them. You usually only have to pay for flight and meals, and you get to hang out with your friend. What more can you want? Want to explore if your friend is working? Take public transportation or use UBER/LYFT. 3 cities on my list were to visit friends. One of the cities I visited was for my 5 year anniversary. My husband asked his friend to let us stay in his summer home. That brings me to the next tip and trick.

3. Don't be afraid to ask. The answer will always be no 100% of the time you don't ask. Ask your friends to stay with them. Ask the travel agent for any deals that are going on. Ask your credit card companies if they offer points to travel. Ask your boss for the vacation time. Ask your company if they would send you to a business trip, or conference. The trick is to ask, and if the answer is no, then at least you tried, but only imagine if the answer is YES! I asked my parents to get in touch with family friends that I have not personally spoken to in about 8 years and see if my husband and I could stay with them. They agreed, were extremely hospitable, and above that, I got to reconnect to close friends that I grew up with during my whole childhood. 

4. Drive, don't fly. If you can drive within a day's time, take a fun buddy, make it an adventure, and drive instead of catching a flight. I drove to 6 of the cities on my list with my husband. We listen to comedy, ask each other get-to-know-you questions, plan for the future, discuss our relationship, and basically take the time to get closer as a couple. I love our drive times. 

5. Take advantage of work trips. If your job is willing to pay for you to attend a conference in another city, or to travel anywhere for any reason, do it! They usually will pay for the flight, hotel, transportation, and a portion of your food. HELLLOOOOO Mc FLY(Watch Back to the Future for that reference)! You should be seizing any and all opportunities to travel for work. You will not be working 24/7, so the time that you have to yourself, make sure you are out and about and exploring the new city. I was lucky enough to be asked to chaperone a college tour, in which I visited 4 different cities. All paid for! I was able to see beautiful college campuses and explored some of the tourist sites in the Northeastern areas.

My 2017 Travel Goals

In consideration of creating my 2017 goals, what I had failed to mention before is that I had already been to quite a few places. 9 to be exact. I already have another cruise booked for the summer going to the Bahamas, but when you live in Miami, it's too easy to conjure up a small trip like that. Also, I'm going to Roxbury, NY for my cousin's wedding. If my wishes come true, I will be moving cities within a year, so keeping that in consideration my 2017 travel goals may not seem as grandiose as those of 2016, but a goal nonetheless. I mean c'mon now: I may be changing cities! That's a whole travel adventure on it's own, even in the beginning when I may be just trying to get acclimated to the area. Besides that this year I only hope to:

1. Visit 5 New Cities I've never been to in the US. (I'm definitely counting my cousin's wedding as one)

I'm keeping my small goal SMART - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely)

Next Week I'll be writing about Tips/Tricks on how to budget, save, and pay for trips. Please be sure to subscribe, and comment below on your travel plans and what tips/tricks you'd like to know for your year in travel! 


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